Star Ancestors – Nancy Red Star
American Indian relationships with extraterrestrials have existed since the beginning of time. The creation stories of Indian people say, “We came from the stars”; evidence of Indian contact with ETs has been carved on rocks and hides, choreographed in sacred dances, and beaded on wampum belts over many thousands of years. In Mayan temple rituals, in the tobacco blessing, in crop circle formations and petroglyph inscriptions, the contact continues.
In this groundbreaking book, Nancy Red Star explores the unifying “Sky Elder” theme found in virtually every Indian culture, detailing a Pan-American genesis story of shared communication with extraterrestrials. These Star Begins will play a vital role at the present crossroads of Earth history. Humankind’s abuse of technology has led to a planet out of balance with natural laws; in this time, spiritual wisdomkeepers have recognized signs that they must now speak their closely held knowledge, their original instructions from the Sky Elders. In Star Ancestors, Mayan elder and Day Keeper Hunbatz Men, Stargate International CEO and UFO researcher Cecilia Dean, Choctaw wisdomkeeper Sequoyah Trueblood, and others share instructions for restoring the balance of nature and taking our rightful place among the peoples of the universe. Striking illustrations of the work of prominent American Indian artists, such as Armond Lara, Michael Naranjo, and Shona Bear Clark, further explore this theme.
The original instructions from these Sky Elders revealed in Star Ancestors lay out a path for rebuilding our world and initiate us into the possibility of a coming time of peace. Inviting all peoples to realize their Star ancestry, the women and men of proud lineage and inspiring wisdom who share their experiences here offer us a survival plan for walking into the next world.
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