On an eternal voyage – Vimala Thakar
No words could describe the intensity and depth of the experience through which I am passing. Everything is changed. I am born anew. This is neither wishful thinking nor is it a sentimental reaction … It is an astounding phenomenon.
… A human revolution which consists in freeing oneself from every kind of personal, national, racial and ideological preoccupation. As the source of all evil is the very substance of our consciousness, we will have to deal with it. Everything that has been transmitted to our mind through centuries will have to be completely discarded. I have dealt with it. It has dropped away …
To respond to every thing around me is fulfilment. To walk austerely through pain and pressure, beauty and ugliness, joy and sadness of life, is living in silence. The spontaneous movement of silence is meditation.
Thus the eternal voyage goes on.