Welcome Home – Steve Rother
You have just stepped into the 5th dimension. Nothing works the same as it did only a short time ago, and even your own spiritual connection is changing. Empowerment is the key to a fulfilling life on the New Planet Earth, yet, we have been taught to give out power away to things and ideas outside of ourselves. We are simply not accustomed to holding our true power as creators. In the loving manner of the Group, this book will offer ideas that you can use in your daily life to utilize the higher energy of the New Planet Earth and claim your true power as a creator.
“The more your awareness grows, the more important this book will become.”
Welcome Home includes:
- The Group’s prediction of September 11th taken from the live channel transcript.
- Our new relationship to Time, Space and inter-dimensional realities.
- The latest information about the Crystal Children.
- Three live messages presented at the United Nations on two continents. Two presented to the Esoteric Society in Vienna, Austria, and one to the Enlightenment Society, UN Staff Recreation Council at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
- A collection of Question and Answers from live presentations on a wide variety of subjects from the higher perspective of the Group.
- The Atlantis Connection. The similarities between now and then, and what we can do differently.