The Divine Spark of Creation – Kathleen Murray
This book is an easy to read story of one womans adventures when a crystal skull enters her life. Kathleen is given a crystal skull in meditation, six months later a real one shows up, she is able to hear it telepathically, assuring her that it is the skull given in meditation, that it holds the records of Orion and yes it is to stay with her in Scotland!
Although Kathleen is a crystal healer and used to channelling light beings that guide her in her healing work, Mahasamatman the crystal skull is in a league of his own! He claims that he was not carved, that he was created in light and then manifest onto the Earth plane through a high energy vortex in Brazil. Kathleen goes to Brazil to meet the carvers of contemporary crystal skulls to see if she can get any confirmation of the story of the skull. The adventures go on, interspersed with channellings from Light Beings of the Divine Heirarchies. So there are intelligent aliens out there who are here to assist us! The Galactic Masters come through
Part Two is back to Kathleens personal story as she goes through the windscreen of her car a car accident to transform her life, and the spiritual help she received to understand the crises in life. In part three you can read of life on the stars channelled from beings of those starry civilizations, a team of Galactic Beings who have always looked after the Earth and Humanity. Stories of our life on stars which might just bring back your own memories!
The Starry Brother and Sisterhood of the Divine Spark of Creation is a set of photographic images, pictures of Mahasamatman the crystal skull with different colour ways of Light shining through the quartz crystal (sold separately at £12.95 ISBN 1-902711-04-1). These have been reproduced to match the colours of etheric light that Kathleen saw around Mahasamatman in a cave in Brazil. Each one of these images can help us connect in with our own selves that have lived lives in the stars, in between our earthly lives. So in part three you can read the story and relax and look at the skull photo which has transmitted the story, to see if you can expand your perceptions.
Part Four is a Crystal Skull Workbook, as so many people now are attracted to crystal skulls and are buying ones of their own. Guidelines on how to build your relationship with crystals and skulls.
A book of Inspiration on many levels, and one to enjoy and dip into from time to time. Try opening a page to see what wisdom comes through to you for that particular day! Or choosing one of the skull photos from the Starry Brother and Sisterhood of Light, which have star maps on the back to give you a bigger picture of what is going on in your life. They can be used as a stellar oracle.