The Bristol Programme – Penny Brohn
The Bristol Programme is not primarily about cures: it is about regaining health and finding the right path to wholesome and serene living. Designed to be used either in conjunction with conventional medical treatment or to help patients who choose alternative methods, the work at Bristol is based on three main principles. One, the holistic where the disease is considered in relation to mind and spirit as well as to the body. Two, a firm belief that patients have a right to assume responsibility for their own health. Three, that the Centre should be actively involved in the teaching and practice of a lifestyle designed to prevent cancer recurring.
In The Bristol Programme the author describes in detail their specially developed diet and relaxation exercises, and the techniques they use to handle stress and pain with the aim of gently guiding patients into harmonizing their own emotions and feelings. Written with liveliness, clarity and enormous compassion, Penny Brohn’s book will offer hope and positive encouragement to the thousands who are learning to cope with cancer — families, friends and patients — as well as to all those who are professionally involved in the treatment of the disease.