Taoist Bedroom Secrets – Master Chian Zettnersan
The book teaches to learn more about the deep sexual wisdom of Love. According to the traditional teaching, the Taoist bedroom secrets are the root of human happiness. They are based on the foundation of the ancient Chinese procedures of diagnosis, therapy, and treatment. This fascinating work focuses on the “jade stem” and the “jade gate,” which symbolize the exchange of masculine and feminine energy.
This book is about the deep sexual wisdom of love as one of the “eight supporting pillars of Taoism.” According to the traditional teaching, the “Taoist Bedroom Secrets” are the root of human happiness. They are based on the foundation of the ancient Chinese procedures of diagnosis, therapy, and treatment. This book focuses on the “jade stem” and the “jade gate,” which symbolize the exchange of masculine and feminine energy. The strongly vitalizing power of the many illustrated chi exercises can be recognized in names like “Return to Springtime” or “The Heavenly Water of the Life Force.” Master Chian Zettnersan has over 30 years of experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). He is a member of the World Organization for Acupuncture in Peking and works as a chi-kung therapist.
“When people master these techniques of the Taoist bedroom secrets, they have a wonderful instrument for a fulfilled and happy sexuality available to them, which was previously only accessible to the family of the Chinese Emperor, its private army, and the ministers of the court. Until now, they have never been published and can be found nowhere in Chinese, except in the private library of an old master.”
– Professor Wu Zhiming