FFlowers to the Rescue – Gregory Vlamis
The Healing Vision of Doctor Edward Bach
Over the past fifty years many prominent physicians, homoeopaths and other health care professionals have reported the successful treatment of patients with the thirty-eight flower remedies discovered by the late Dr Edward Bach.
Most widely known of all the Bach remedies is the Rescue Remedy — a combination of five of the Bach flowers. This emergency first aid remedy has been found to be outstanding in its ability to reduce stress and to stabilize emotional upset during traumatic situations. Its effective use in everyday emergencies is the main subject of this book.
During his research into Dr Bach’s life Gregory Vlamis came upon rare photographs and out-of-print writings, all of which have enabled him to make this a unique book. Incorporated are Ye Suffer from Yourselves and Free Thyself which eloquently express Bach’s philosophy of health, the role of the physician as educator, and his vision of the future hospital. Also included are actual case histories which tell how physicians and other health care professionals (including vets) — as well as members of the general public — have used the Bach Rescue Remedy, often with amazing results.