Complete Poems of Robert Frost – Robert Frost
ROBERT FROST, long recognized as America’s greatest living poet, needs no introduc-ion or encomium from his publishers. Besides occupying a central and commanding position in American letters, he is one of the few poets whose work is widely and popularly read. He has won innumerable honors, including the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1924, 1931, 1937, and 1943 ; and he is one of three poets ever to have been awarded the gold medal of the National Institute of Arts and Letters.
The present volume, the only complete collection of Frost’s work, includes the con-tents of ten of his best known books. It is the first overall edition since Collected Poems. 1939, and for this reason its publication takes on more than ordinary importance. To Collected Poems, 1939 have been added the two most recent volumes of lyrics, A Witness Tree and Steeple Bush; several new poems ; and A Masque of Mercy.
Frontispiece by Clara E. Sippreil
Jacket Design by John King