The Tarot According to You – Nancy Garen
Learn how to do meaningful, accurate readings for yourself and others
From the author of Tarot Made Easy – a fresh, exciting way to learn the tarot and become a confident and skilled tarot card reader. Utilizing a workbook format, this book provides a three-step program for learning the tarot that incorporates your personal observations and experiences:
- Pick a card
- Record your experiences
- Compare your experiences with the traditional meaning of the card
It’s as easy as one, two, three! In addition to interpreting the symbols, num-bers and astrological associations, the workbook also includes meditations, fifteen specific categories such as love, work, family and finances, and exercises to increase your awareness, intuition and spirituality.
Unlike other books that venture into complex metaphysical concepts or simply repeat what other authors have said, The Tarot According to You encourages you to embrace your own insights and ideas and puts the final say in your hands, transforming generic definitions into highly charged personal revelations. By letting go of strictly defined or memorized interpretations and trusting your own impressions and definitions, you will turn the ancient art of tarot into a powerful, self-affirming tool. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned practitioner, The Tarot According to You is a book that will stand out among your favorites as a unique addition to your study of the tarot.
NANCY GAREN has devoted her life to the study of the tarot, metaphysics and psychic development. As with Tarot Made Easy, taking the mystery out of the tarot and assisting others on their path to self-discovery and personal empowerment continues to be her goal.