Talking with Nature – Michael J. Roads
Michael Roads had always been close to nature, but one day when a river started talking to him, he began to doubt his sanity. There followed a series of encounters with the natura! world, each more startling than the last. First it was with the Heron. Next it was with the Silence. Then it was with a whole flock of birds.
Finally, Michael leamed to let go and allow these presences to take him where they would. He found himself led stageby stage to a final wisdom, remarkable in its simplicity and in its message of hope for humanity.
After reading this book, you will never again wonder if nature can speak. It can and it does, and this unique book may welf expand your awareness of the special bond between humanity and the environment.
“From Australia comes a major new writer, a startling courageous innocent, bringing a gift of power and understanding for those reaching toward the inner real.”
— Richard Bach, Author Jonathan Livingston Seagull
“Reads like a synthesis of Walden and The Secret Life of Plants.”
— East West Journal