Crop circles – Janet Ossebaard
In 2000 it was scientifically proven that most crop circles are not made by man. Yet, this amazing news never reached most people.
In a series of eight books about the crop circle phenomenon, author and researcher Janet Ossebaard breaks this silence.
In this first volume you are offered the opportunity to dive into the world of the crop circles. The journey begins in 2007 and takes you to the most beautiful and special crop formations, back in time to 1995.
You can now personally experience the author’s 13 year voyage of discovery through the crop circles in South England. More than 200 photographs are being alternated with exciting anecdotes about the discovery of new formations in the early morning hours and about close encounters with mysterious lights.
A breathtaking journey through the most enchanting patterns to have ever adorned our fields. Join the author and taste the beauty, the grandeur, and the mystery of the crop circles…