Astro Essentials – Maritha Pottenger
Astro Essentials can serve as an excellent introduction to the fascinating world of astrology. The fundamentals are covered clearly and cogently. Learn the basic building blocks of astrology—planets, houses, signs and aspects.
Are you looking for instant astrological interpretations? Use this book! You could, for example, turn immediately to an analysis of the significance of each aspect to your Venus. You could read the interpretation of a friend’s Moon sign. If you have other peoples’ horoscopes, or know their astrological placements, you can rapidly find the meanings of the houses and sign positions of their Sun, Moon and planets. as well as what all of their aspects signify. Rather than presenting a “good” versus “bad” approach to astrology, Maritha Poffenger discusses the positive and negative options of every basic astrological position. She also offers tips and suggestions for making the most of your assets and overcoming personal liabilities. This book is designed for activist astrology is a tool to make your life more fulfilling.
Maritha Poftenger received her B.A. from the University of California at Berkeley and her M.A. in clinical psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology (1976). She has traveled Internationally os an astrological counselor, teacher and lecturer, and has made presentations of numerous conferences. She is also the author of Encounter Astrology, Healing With the Horoscope and Complete Horoscope Interpretation.