Astro-Alchemy – Joan Negus
Transits are the easiest system of astrological timing to watch, and Joan Negus has created a superlative volume to help people make the most of their transits.
The focus throughout this book is on a positive approach to transits. The author emphasizes that transits highlight opportunities. She points out that people who create a positive expression of planetary themes during major transits are much less likely to experience negative events. To consciously plan realistic steps of consolidation, for example is more helpful than blindly awaiting a Saturn transit and perhaps feeling limited and deprived. Joan offers suggestions and insights gained through her years of observation of her own transits and those of clients, students and family.
Ms. Negus notes that there are three different viewpoints important to consider when analyzing transits: (1) those transits (correlating to outer planet cycles) which occur for all people at about the same ages (as a Saturn Return which occurs around age 28-32); (2) transit patterns specific to certain age groups (e.g., those people born in the early 1940s who have Saturn conjunct Uranus in their natal charts); (3) the aspects of all transiting planets to an individual horror scope. Joan provides useful information for all three perspectives.
Each chapter in the book addresses a particular planet (or group of planets). Joan Negus includes quizzes at the end of each chapter so readers can test their understanding of the information presented.