After Nostradamus – A. Woldben
After Nostradamus traces the course of prophecy down the ages, many of them from documents which have hitherto been almost unknown. The book’s chief message is that as the end of the Piscean Age draws to a close standards will become increasingly debased. But there is hope. From the prophecies of Kaliyuga which can be found in the Veda and many other seers besides Nostradamus, whose forecasts are given in detail, we are shown that the end is not yet. Prophecies in the Great Pyramid, La Salette, Garabandal, St Damiano indicate that with our entry to the Age of Aquarius there are signs of better times ahead in spite of the confusion, mistrust and wars of the present period. The most fascinating thing of all is the discovery that the prophecies of all ages are in general agreement as to the future of our Planet.
Jacket design by CAROL SMITHER
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